Thursday, July 10, 2008

More Dogs (and a gremlin)
To give you an indication of scale, the pedestal that these are sitting on is 4 inches across!
My first dog - I think he looks more like a border collie:
Whippet - who, according to the husband, looks more like an anteater.

I decided that as real whippets are not symetrical in markings, then mine wouldn't be either!

I have a friend who breeds, owns and handles beautiful Westies -
And my latest - the coffee gremlin.

At some point, he will get arms and maybe a little tiny coffee cup to hold!
And, for those who noticed my earlier comment that I got good at braiding so I decided to try this, I'm still braiding! Too many orders to quit now.....

New Blog! - Read this first, ok?

My earliest attempts at blogging my felt stuff was not quite the way I wanted it, and had other posts that were really not worth reading, so I created this one.

I'm copying my posts from the other blog over to this one, so as to have a pictorial record of my felting attempts.

That, and some have neat titles that I don't want to deprive you of!

Poke Poke Owie Poke Owie Poke Dammit!
It has been suggested that I might be a bit AADD (Adult Attention Deficit Disorder), and, thinking back, I'm pretty sure that's accurate.How else would you explain my need to try something new on a regular basis, get good at it, and then dump it (leaving all it took to do whatever it was) in a plastic bin or bag in the closet?I've been making my braided leather leads now for over 2 years, have gotten damn good at it, and now, I decide to try something else.Needle FeltingThis involves taking a formless mass of unspun wool, poking it to death with a nasty-sharp barbed needle, and slowly forming that mass of wool into something that looks like something.

My first attempt at something was a mugrug - with a template courtesy of Needless to say, the cat outline supplied was immediately replaced with a somewhat primitive, but still sorta recognizable, image of a poodle in show trim. Yes, that is felted wool - purple and pink and a bit of brown. Yes, that is a penny in the picture - just to add an indication of size.
Since my trusty mugrug turned out ok, and useful to boot, I have made a small generic dog (border collie-ish), a westie, and a caricature of a whippet (husband said it looked more like an anteater).
Those pics may be posted tomorrow, right now, I've got to make another mugrug for my mom!